Agile Business Conference 2007

Last week, I attended the Agile Business Conference in London. This conference was organized by the DSDM consortium, in cooperation with the Agile Alliance. The program seemed to be aiming at the early majority (people who recently discovered agile) and not so much at seasoned agile practitioners.

I enjoyed the numerous good conversations, sessions like Creating Shared Understanding by Angela Martin, Duncan Pierce, and Olivier Lafontan, and Chris Avery’s keynote about responsibility. Chris presented a model on how people respond to problems in different (not always effective) ways. It looks like a useful model about people’s behaviour in stressful situations, like Virginia Satir’s coping stances model (pdf).

Willem and I ran a short interactive session on Exploring the Agile Space. Originally we wanted to do a World Café, but because there was only a small group of people present (the session was at the end of the conference, people were already leaving), we had a lively plenary discussion about what participants had done to successfully apply agile across the business.