CITCON Europe 2007

Last weekend, I participated in CITCON Europe 2007 in Brussels. CITCON stands for Continuous Integration and Testing Conference. It is part of a worldwide series of short Open Space conferences. The session results can be found on the CITCON wiki.


I liked the conference: good atmosphere, interesting people, met a few new people and a number of the usual suspects at agile conferences. The Open Space format proved again to be a good process for high energy and peer to peer exchange of experiences. It was just a bit short – one evening with opening and agenda creation plus one full day of sessions.

Being an Open Space fan, I was also interested in how Paul Julius and Jeffrey Fredrick facilitated the process. They did a good job at organizing self-organization ;-) . For a lot of participants this was their first Open Space event and they liked it. There also was self organizing wall, with a growing number of sticky notes, about the next conference location, people looking for work, work looking for people… – great idea, I’d like to do something like that for the next Agile Open.

I liked the Helping teams to change behavior session in particular, hosted by Jeffrey. It was about ideas, tools, and techniques for bringing change in teams. He mentioned models like Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore and the Satir Model of Change. The stuff was new to most of the participants in the room.


Would you like to learn more about how the Satir tools can help your teams change effectively? We offer workshops and coaching, feel free to contact us.